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Thermal Insulation

Tappi afungo

Panels made with granulated cork that guarantee a thermo-acoustic insulation which remains unchanged over time...


Acoustic insulation panel made ​​of  natural microgranules cork - nontoxic size 1000x500 mm

Density 140 Kg/mc ( da 10 mm 190 Kg mc)
Coefficient of thermal conductivity 0.035 Kcal mc h°C
Reaction to fire self-extinguishing
Compressive strength 10 Kg/cmq
Stability in time unlimited
putrescibility none
Attacked by insects and rodents unassailable
sound absorption 0.14 dB (500 hz)
Water vapor permeability µ = 10:13
Airborne sound insulation (thickness 3 cm.) Rw 58 dB (500 hz)
Airborne sound insulation (thickness 4 cm.) Partitions Rw 52 dB (500 hz)